Tuesday, May 24, 2016

NYX LipGloss : Peach, Natural, Bronze

Ada kalanya bosen sama matte finish dan bosen pakai lipstick.. tapi ga mau juga bibir seperti warna aslinya (maunya apa siiiiihh...). Maksudnya, mau pake lipgloss doang biar ttp ada warnanya si bibir pucetku, tapi ga terlalu manclek gt lho warnanya..

Yuk, kita pakai lip gloss.. 
Nyobain beli keluaran nyx.. enak dipakainya, ga terlalu berminyak yang kaya orang abis makan gorengan ga jelas, trus sensasinya cool mint menyenangkan. Aku punya 3 buah, warna bronze, peach and natural. 

N here's the swatches 


Lumayan kan, kasi warna dikit di bibir biar ga terlalu pucet tapi masi berkesan natural dan aman digunakan sehari-hari..

Thursday, May 5, 2016

ABH Sarafine

Masih edisi lipen liquid dengan matte finish, nyobain beli salah 1 lipstick yang kok reviewnya oke banget ya..

Jatuh hati lah aku sama ABH (Anastasia Beverly Hills) warna Sarafine. Warnanya merah cabe tapi gak yang ngecrong banget, masi aman sebetulnya dipakai sehari-hari, tapi ga buat di skolahku yang konvensional ya.. kalau untuk kerja kantoran atau aku praktek masih ok. Warnanya juga ga kaya orang abis makan bayi hahahahha kiddin folks.

Formulanya enak banget, hasil matte, kuas lembut, sekali usap bisa fulfill langsung di bibir, awet dipakai more than 6hours, packagingnya looks so fancy,  ga ngeringin di bibir (ini serius, aku bahkan kadang lupa prepare dengan pakai lipbalm sebelumnya atau malam pakai lucas papaw sebelum tidur), but costly hiks.. 1 buahnya 340rb.

Here's the swatches

Purbasari Matte Lipstick

I never expected Indonesian product will be this happening with good review in make up, especially for lipstick. For this line... woooohhhooooo... i give it a big applause.

Cost only IDR30 or even i get IDR28k, plus extra 5% discount each when i bought these beauties in AEON mall past few weeks ago.

It has creamy texture, velvet, smooth application,  matte finish, good pigmentation, un dryness (i don't know is this even a word), truly.. the product and the formula is so great. Makes me have 10 from 10 colour hahahahhaa..

Nyx Round Lipstick : Electra

Yeaaayyy.. i got a new lipstick...

Its another red in my lip line hahahaha, i just get really obsessed with red line. N for now, its from nyx round lipstick, called electra.

From the nyx website, the description of the product is : NYX Extra Creamy Round Lipstick is our classic lipstick for all occasions. The mineral-based emollient formula offers a beautiful velvet texture, saturated colour and it resists wear and smudging.

Well, in my opinion is also kind a same.. the packaging is a black tube with plastic that show the colour of the lipstick,  its a very creamy and rich lipstick with good pigmentation with one aplication. One day i've tried it with no lip balm before, n its ok. My lips did not get dry and feels like i had enough moisturiser in my lips. For smudging, mm kind a hard to say it, i don't know whats wrong with my lips, after 4 hours.. every lipstick will smudge out from my lips line, especially from the bottom.. n makes my lips look bigger n creepy.

Costs 50k IDR.. last for 4 hours without eating or drinking.
here's the swatches

with flash
without flash
Its very fun and bright red... yeeaaayyyy.. love it so much!!!

What's your fave red lipstick ???