Thursday, June 27, 2013

Maybelline Color Tattoo : Silver Strike

ye ye ye... color tattoo is in d house again...
Now i want to share my though about another color of my lovely maybelline color tattoo , n its in Silver strike.
Its creamy, claimed to be a 24 hours eye shadow without creasing ( i don't know about it since i never used it for 24 hours).. but good enough because it still there nicely, even brighter i though after 12 hours, without any base or primer in my hooded oily eyelid... yeeeaaaayyyy.
With beautiful color, and because the texture is cream, lately i often use it as a base before I applied another powder eyeshadow to make my eyes gorgeous.

Pros :
- Beautiful colors
- Uncreased without base for 12 hours , and even the color look brighter
- you may use it as a base
- good packaging, with plastic and glass in the bottom , so you able to see n pick the color easily
- highly pigmentation
- apply smoothly

Cons :
- aaaakkkkk again, not available in Indonesia. errrr... its only 7-8usd there n i've read in so many reviews that it often buy 1 get 1 50% off , but i have to buy it around 110-120k idr even sometimes with PO system (huaaaa...hikss hikksss...) only for 1 color in a pot of 4g. So i mean, it is really hard to get here..
- dry easily, so do a fast move to blend it with other color oke..

Conclusion : would i buy another color ? yes yes yes.. definetely.. i really love this product hahahahha

Friday, June 21, 2013

It’s My Style of Financial Tips

I was not came from a wealthy family, either my husband. In fact, from 4th semester that I took a med school, I never ask for support anymore from my parents, and even my husband was do the same since he passed high school. Hence, to continue our study, well.. me and him have to work hard by our self , manage how to survive at the college with the crazy tasks, and survive against the world (read: pay a room to the landlord, eat, transportation, includes the hardest part.. pay the tuition). As you all know, as a medical students in Indonesia (not really sure in other country, but i think its approximately the same), med school is hilarious in tuition and others (read: we often collect our own money to pay the patient’s medicine and e.t.c in the hospital), even in a public school like me.. OMG as if in private school it costs so much higher. (FYI: I went to Padjadjaran University) with regular way means through the UMPTN (Ujian Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negri). I’ve entered it in clear procedure, definitely muggle in medical world, not a consultant legacy, which means not as easy as them whose born with the title of Prof Bla Bla’s child, Doctor Bla Bla Bla’s daughter.. (errr…. ) also with a regular tuition (not an extension class, international class, e.t.c).
Thus make me a person who’s required to be really clever in managing my money.

Now, I’ve finished my med school, being a general practitioner, and get a plus as a lactation counselor (soon to be a Lactation Consultant, amiinn), also graduated from my Magisterial of Communication. Still hoping that I could be a specialist (my dream is to be one of an Obstetric n Gynecologist; n related with my previous profession, I want to be an expert in Social Obstetrician with a Lactation Consultant as an advantage).
I am not as wealthy as any people imagine about being a Doctor maybe, but I am really grateful with the achievement. Even though maybe some people look, I still live in modest way.. but the most important thing is I am happy with my life.

We don’t have a fancy car (car is only an option for transportation not a prestige for us), I’m riding my motorcycle for work (the consideration is it only takes15minutes from home, compared if I were driving my car for 1 hour because of the terrible traffic jam), my husband is taking a commuter line to go to the office and drives his motorcycle then put it in nearly station, using our car only for driving our child to school or even in weekend if we want to go somewhere like malls. We often spent the weekend only with DVD and pizza or sweet martabak at home(we do a holiday only 2-3times a year),don’t have a fancy and branded bags (our favorite bag is a backpack, so it could carry many of baby stuffs, also we could hang it on the baby stroller, so it also prevent us from a backache or one shoulder ache), we have a small house with 15 years installment, we don’t have a nanny to help us take care of our baby (just having a helper for the house)and many other simple life to live.

Me and my husband which was my best friend.. are having a same hobby; we love travelling. We have a dream (hopefully will come true) as a world traveler. 1 year Round the World (RTW), break from anything, and seeing the world in our way and reach a financial freedom at young age. Others, we have family members that we should help and taking care. 

With this purposes we have to plan our money very well so we are able to get all the things, and living it in non stress way.
So , here’s the tips
  1. Really point on what‘s your money purpose.. stick on it
  2. Count it in clever way with the time of purpose; learn the future value things and risk of investment carefully. Mmm, let say .. Better be fall in 1 investment, then never invest, because honestly, put your money on savings only well, it does not strong enough to beat the inflation.
  3. Considering point number 2, never put all of your eggs in one basket oke.. so if one basket fall makes all of your eggs breaks in that basket, you still have another basket.
  4. If you have money to hired a financial planner, go for it.. but if you don’t, at least learn the knowledge.. Learn it by your self by browsing, read a book, googling, and get a close friend that is a financial planner and absorb the knowledge hahahahhaa. Seriously, financial planning is really important, and I took some of the financial planning classes to fulfill my need not as a professional with full certification.
  5. Get real.. if you only have 1 million to spend, plan with a million not a billion by taking a loan that you could not pay and spent it in consumptive way.
  6. Financial diet is as the same as maintain your body whose considering a diet program. It’s about your habit, a lifestyle, and a disciplinary. If you broke it, well … either you are getting fat and if it continuity goes for a disease, or in financial: either you get stressed out, and broke ass.
Born in poverty is a fate, but die as it.. its definitely your fault. Its all your choice then
It’s My Style of Financial Tips



Friday, June 14, 2013

Review : Revlon Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stain Smitten

Mau review Revlon just kissable balm stain warna yang lain. Kali ini smitten.

Pros :
-          wangi and sensasi peppermint yang enak
-          mayan long lasting si stain ini bisa >4hours
-          selain berfungsi sebagai pelembab bibir, ada warnanya jadi bisa disesuaikan sama dandanan
 Cons :
-          balm nya cepet ilang ya about 2hours max, apalagi kalau dipakai makan/minum selamat tinggal hehehhe

80k IDR masuk pro atau con ya? … ini uda masuk indo ya sodara-sodara, banyak di counter Revlon.

N Here’s the swatches.. hope u like it

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Tagaytay City - Philippine

Got a chance to visit another country in ASIA.. Philippine...
Eh jadi yaaa.. mereka ituh miyip sama suku kita di Indo, yaitu Sunda... dalam artian ga bisa bedain abjad F, V, sama P hihihihii... n its literally...Sampe ngecek ulang, takut salah.. yang bener spellingnya apa sih sama pronounce nya apa gitu..biar ga malu.

Karena ga ada garuda, jadilah naiknya SQ, eladalah.. malah suwi men yo.. mosok jkt-manila ajah perjalanan jadi 6,5 jam, karena ada transit dulu 1 jam di Sg. Yaudahdeh gapapa, transit sebentar bisa intip2 kali aja bisa dapet lenongan di erpot, ... gak bisa juga ternyata. Berangkat pulang seperti diburu-buru.. ndak sempet liat2 lenongan samsek hiks...Later dikasi tau teman yang sekolah disana, next bisa naik PAL atau Cebu Air gitu, cheaper and hanya 4-4,5jam saja perjalanan.. noted.

Back to Tagaytay..

Sampai di Manila (eh erpotnya lebih bagus Suta lho..) perjalanan hampir 2 jam ke Tagaytay ini kurleb 55km dari Manila. Jadi kaya Jakarta, ini ke Puncak gitu. Pake macet samaaaa... lewat tol..samaaaa, trus jalannya nanjak kaya dari gadog lepasan tol puncak, samaaa juga.Yang beda hanya polusinya, kendaraan disini knalpotnya masih cihuy an daripada di Jakarta.

Daerah ini cukup populer sebagai tempat wisata, karena pemandangannya yang bagus dan udaranya seger dingin gitu. Terkenal dengan view Taal Lake, dan Taal Volcanonya. Liat danau sama ada gunung di tengahnya.. sekilas langsung teringat oleh Danau Toba dan P Samosirnya.

Ini pemandangan dari halaman hotel.. stay di Taal Vista Hotel, mayan kok. Kaya ini hotelnya

Disebrang hotel ada casino ini.. tapi pas didalam tentunya ga boleh foto-foto
Sambil sarapan, bisa liat pemandangan ini .. suegeeerrrr
Sore-sore mau malam sambil ngeteh liat ini
Ini patung Olivarez, kayanya salah satu pahlawan mereka yang dijadiin nama kota terdekat dari hotel, kalo di puncak macem gadok nya lah
Selain liat pemandangan ini, nemu apa aja disini ?..
Saat dijalan sempat ketemu parade di jalan

Oh iya, pas di hotel, lagi ada acara kaya gathering.. mereka kaya pake baju khas Philippine gitu kaya ini
sambil ada permainannya yang kaya sepak takraw ini.. sementara videonya ga bisa di upload, pake foto aja ya..semoga kebayang
Ada juga permainan tumbuktumbukan ini seruu kalo ramean
Trus ,ini mereka lagi nyanyi lagu mereka.. kaya "Lagu Kemesraan" yang selalu dinyanyikan ditiap gathering kali yaaa kalo dikita, hihihihi
Disini angkotnya namanya jeepney.. lucu ya, kaya bemo panjang hehehe
suasana didalam jeepney nya kaya gini
Ojeknya kaya ini, namanya tricycle. sama kan parkir berjejer juga dipengkolan, dibawah pu un rindang pakein atap kaya pangkalan jeko. Abangnya juga sambil nunggu ada catur tuh keliatan ga hehehehe. Cuma ini pake tutupan kaya helicak ya buat penumpangnya.
Disana ada kaya commuterline disini namanya Metroline, tapi ukuran gerbongnya lebih kecil, dan selalu penuh..
Liat nih penuhnya mau masuk stasiunnya ajah
Nemu Jolibee.. langsung keinget sama our trip to Hongkong back days.. jadi pas disana kami kangen nasi. Dan HK itu banyak TKP (Tenaga Kerja Philippine) ga kalah sama TKI kita. Trus jadi ada Jolibee deh, yg merupakan resto fast food kegemaran orang philippine dan menyediakan nasi.
Disini kalo beli fastfood, selalu dikasi kaya kuah kari, rasanya gurih..
Disini ada mal yang modelnya kaya Melawai - ITC gitu kali ya.. namanya Greenhills, didalamnya juga mirip banget. Ini tempat beli suvenir paling murah dan ga terlalu nyeremin tempatnya (baca: ga pasar ga jelas gitu deh buat foreigner)
Ini Airportnya yg tadi aku ceritain
Nemu makanan ini yang katanya signature nya sana.. rasanya kaya kue sagu tapi lebih lembut and sampai lengket di mulut...enyaaaakkkk
Eh eh..tapi ya.. Manila saking miripnya sama Jakarta (walau IMHO lbh bagus Jakarta) lenonganku pun ga ada disini, hihihihi. 
Tapi gapapa sudah senang sekali karena uda nambah pengalaman baru, wawasan baru, Alhamdulillah ..

Korean Attack

Sebulan sekali di RS tempat aku kerja ada acara kebersamaan yang PIC nya di gilir setiap department. N untuk bulan ini, PIC nya medis.. Selain tentunya ada presentasi yang resmi-resmi macam safety, program pengembangan, n setiap 3 bulan sekali diumumkan kandidat-kandidat best employee, puncak acara adalah hiburan tentunya.

yesss, mau ngapain nih kitaaaa buat acara hiburan.
Usul punya usul n rembukan, lagi booming sama K-Pop... hyuuukkk, mari kita bertemakan K-Pop ria....

Sampe nyewa baju apa itu namanya (lupa).. yg terus dipajang dari mulai jadi penerima tamu , n terusan sepanjang acara...

Lengkap dengan dandanan ala ulzzang (eh bener ga nulisnya)...
Here's the Girls
N here's the Boys
Sebelum tampil foto dulu... secara aku sebagai tim dokumentasi ga mau ketinggalan doonnggg hihihihi

N, puncak acara adalaaaahhh.....taraaaa.....
The Dance

Seru yaaaaa... acara kebersamaan dikantormu apa???

My Gel Eyeliner

Karena eh karena aku penyuka eyeshadow.. aku juga suka sama eyeliner...

Tapi pertimbangannya lebih ke ekonomis, karena sebetulnya suka sama eyeliner liquid, cuma yaaa... kok kalo punya eyeliner liquid, dipake setiap hari, itu 1 biji 60an ribu misal lah unt brand drugstroe macam revlon/maybelline gitu.. sebulan abis huaaaaa... mehong menurutku. Jadilah aku beralih ke gel liner, karena gel liner uda berbulan-bulan ini dipake ga abis-abis ya, mayan kaaannn...

Punya gel liner pertama kali beli silky ajah.. warna hitam, dengan harga 35ribu, ya ampun .. mana murah lagi, beli di indomaret aja gitu depan komplek.

Trus, ada temen beli gel liner inih, berjudul physician formula... baca review trus nyobain.... aaaakkkkk aku sukaaaa.
Lebih smooth n mudah dipakai daripada si silky ituh.. karena silky ini lebih keras kali ya...Aku pun aplikasiinnya pakai kuas bawaannya aja. Harganya 11usd, aku beli nitip kakak dari US.. mayan laaahhh, kalau di olshop sini ada yang jual 165IDR saja kok.
Seri gel liner ini ada 3, untuk brown eyes, blue, sama green eyes. Aku belinya untuk yang brown eyes, dengan 3 warna. Hitam, coklat, dan ungu yang matte finish.
ini pas make warna hitam dan ungunya

 Untuk yang blue eyes, lucu deh.. warna hitamnya ada glitternya.. jadi ini hitamnya jadi begini bila dicampur sama eyeshadow pink ungu

Untuk warna birunya, seperti biru tua matte kehitaman, n coklatnya sama.
Ada lagi untuk green eyes, hazel eyes..

Aku lagi ngincer elf cream liner yang midnight, (biru tua) abis mau beli merk ini lagi unt blue eyes, sayang juga yg warna lain uda punya.. kembali ke pertimbangan ekonomis, heuheuehu.. nanti kl udah datang, aku review lagi deh..

Friday, June 7, 2013

Review : Revlon Kissable Balm Stain Cherish

Lg termehe-mehe untuk menambah koleksi lipen.. biar ga cuma 1 buah aja gitu hehehhe...dan pilihanpun jatuh ke Revlon kissable balm stain, untuk kali ini aku mau review yang warna Cherish.

Ini apa ya? lipbalm gitu tapi ada warnanya. Wanginya enak, trus dipake di bibir moist n kaya ada mintnya gitu. Tapi kekurangannya, cepet banget ilangnya. Ya ampuuunn... 1 jam aja uda berasa ilang di bibir hahahaha.
Harganya ready 80k ya ternyata uda masuk Indo. Sebelumnya ada yg jual di olshop 120k, nah loo.. nyesel ga tuh yg buru-buru beli .. lebih mahal. N akupun ikutan ngerasain gondok karena beli PO, uda 1 bulan lebih nunggu karena olshopnya bikin kapok, trus harganya diitung-itung 84k..hwaaaa lebih mehong.

Untuk bibir aku yg rada cyanotic (keunguan) .. pakai warna ini jadi keluar warna bibirnya jadi pinkish nude gitu..

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Review : Nyx Soft Matte Lip Cream San Paulo

Mau review lenongan baru aaahhh..

since this is my 1st review on 1 product eh iya gak sih.. mau kasi prolog, 
Eh, jadi ya aku tuh never ending eyeshadow sebetulnya and eyeliner deh.. but not for mascara and blush on...
Mascara karena kesian sama bulmatnya , trus pas bersihinnya ada aja ga bersihnya gitu walau uda pake remover apapun deh perasaan, pas bangun pagi ada yg kesisa jd kunti similikiti. Jadi kan musti ngusek-ngusek lagi tuh...
Trus kalo blush on.. hahahhaa.. bedakan aja males, abis smua bedak itu komedogenik, apalagi blush on... takut jerawatgenik hihihii *bahasaapaan sih

Trus, punya eyeshadow uda mayan banyak koleksinya,
diliat-liat... lhaaaa cuma punya lipstick atu, berjudul max factor warna cherry berwarna merah, baiklaaahhh nambahin koleksi deh yang pink buat ganti-ganti... n taraaaaa..

Beli lah aku inih, nyx soft matte lip cream san paulo
Warnanya pink crong ya bok.. Tapi dipake dibibir ga terlalu crong kok.
Its not a lipgloss, nor a lipstick.. well i dont know what should i say about this product. Oh iya, just call it like its name .. lip cream.. apasih raannn huahahaha
I bought it like 62IDR from one of the olshop here. I really love the smell, like vanilla-caramel i dont know..
But it may make ur lips dry if you use it alone, so am suggesting that you put some lip balm first before you apply it on your lips. The texture is very smooth and soft, and comes with matte finishing looks.
It wont kiss off in your glass badly after you drink, but it wont last more than 4hours.. especially after you eat and drink.
I need to reapply at 6.30 pm after twice wudhu - sholat, having my snacks, and dinner, since i applied it at 2pm.

Its a good one , i like it..

What do you think guys, have u tried any of this soft matte lip cream ? what is your fav color ?